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Thanks Dan. You Just Made My Day.

July 26, 2016 / in General Information / by

Post written by Mic Johnson, Blog Coach | LinkedIn Trainer | WordPress Website Guy | Rational Optimist | Jayhawk | Sushi Lover | @MJMeetings Husband

MakeMyDayYou know what makes my day? When I get an email from a client who is excited about experiencing what we’ve been preaching for the last seven years


It’s hard to believe we’re still trying to get companies to understand that blogging works when you realize that blogs, according to Wikipedia, emerged and grew in the late 1990’s, and that MILLIONS of blogs exist today.

Additionally, measuring ROI with blogging has always been a hurdle that some business owners just can’t seem to get over. At Blue Gurus, we’ve been blogging without fail for seven years straight and we still get far more people telling us in person that they read our blog, enjoyed our most recent post, shared it with several people, etc. than we get LIKE’s or comments on Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter. How do you follow that ROI trail? You don’t.

Our time-tested equation has been the same from Day One….

Create quality content + Do it consistently = Stay top of mind. Watch good things happen. Share on X

Dan Heiman
Dan Heiman

And it’s been happening for our clients for years too. That’s why I was thrilled when my friend and client Dan Heiman, Executive Recruiter at Cornerstone-Kansas City, recently sent me an email.

Dan had just published his post Celebrating 10 Years of Crazy and emailed it to a distribution list of trusted relationships, clients and prospects. One of the prospects in Dan’s distribution list emailed him back, saying:

“Congratulations Dan on 10 years of CRAZY! I sincerely enjoyed the read with a few giggles and could relate on a number of them. I hope you are also enjoying a wonderful summer. All the best in the next 10 years!”

Shortly thereafter, Dan emailed me and said:

“GREAT example of keeping in front of a potential client in a meaningful way without having to “sell” them anything. Further reinforces why this type of marketing works!!”

Yes, Dan, BLOGGING WORKS. And we’re thrilled you trusted us when we told you that very thing a year ago when we started working together. Oh, and don’t even get me started on that $20,000+ opportunity that you got after only three months of blogging! (WARNING: Past performance is no guarantee of future performance.)

If you and your organization keep hearing that blogging works and you aren’t doing it, we’re here to help. Let’s have a conversation. Simply email or call me at mic@bluegurus.com or 913-645-6650.

You, like Dan, could be our next success story.

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