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Gobble, Gobble!…10 Things We’re Thankful For This Year

November 17, 2011 / in General Information, Information Technology, Social Media / by

It’s that time of year again when people are gearing up to celebrate Thanksgiving. I also know a lot of people (including yours truly) that are really excited to have some downtime to relax and do nothing!

With that in mind, here are 10 Things We’re Thankful For This Year…

1) We are thankful for our clients and the opportunity to help people accomplish their goals every day.

2) We are thankful for those people in our personal and professional networks that help us grow. Every new client for Blue Gurus comes from word-of-mouth referrals.

3) We are thankful to have launched more than 20 great new WordPress-powered web sites, including  AdventureTech Group, Corporate Fitness Works, Downtown Council of Kansas City, Galvmet, House of Diamonds, LPF Coatings, Picture Perfect Interiors, Shapiro & McMullen, P.A.,  and many more.

4) We are thankful that we were able to get past the infamous “2 year mark” for small businesses and that we are quickly approaching our third year of helping small businesses get bigger.

5) We are thankful that LinkedIn continues to grow at an incredible rate, now with two people joining LinkedIn every second. Oh, and did you know that over 390,000 people in Kansas City have LinkedIn profiles representing more than 5,200 companies? It’s all about relationships.

6) We are thankful for applications like CardMunch, Dropbox and RoboForm that save time and allow us (and many of our clients!) to work more efficiently.

7) We are thankful that we were able to take a cruise this Fall with our wives for some much needed rest and relaxation. We believe you have to take time off to recharge your batteries and maintain a healthy balance between life and work.

8) We are thankful that, for the most part, we have successfully avoided people that suck!

9) We are thankful that, in spite of today’s economic environment, small businesses are working hard every day to make things happen.

10) And last but not least, we are extremely thankful for our wives, Trista and Missy, and our families and friends. Without their support, we wouldn’t be who we are or be able to do what we do.

We would love to hear from you… 

What are you thankful for this year?

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