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2 Years – A Milestone Reached

April 25, 2011 / in General Information, Social Media / by

Happy Birthday to us!  On April 26, Blue Gurus will be two years old.  It is hard to believe that it has already been two years!  I read somewhere that the majority of new businesses don’t make it past the two year mark, so we will celebrate this as a major milestone for the company.  Thanks to each and every one of you that has made a difference in our lives personally and professionally.  We couldn’t have gone this far without you and look forward to collaborating, training, laughing and crying with you in the months and years to come.

We don’t usually talk much about ourselves in these blog posts that have been happening for more than 110 weeks… our goal is to give you free tips and advice around social media and information technology.  We decided that since it is our birthday we could talk about ourselves and maybe even ask you for a gift… Our biggest goal right now is to improve our conversation and connections on our Facebook Company Page.  It is located at http://www.facebook.com/bluegurus.  If you have not already clicked the Like button, please do so.  And forward this to your friends so that they can Like us too.  Sure, we could offer a free iPad 2 when we get to 1,000 fans to try and buy a following, but that isn’t how we work.  If you are reading this, there is a good chance you are a client, business partner or a good friend.  You have seen the kind of information that we put out and it would probably be beneficial to someone you know.  Post your social media questions on our Facebook Company Page and we will do our best to answer them for you.

We have been able to work with more than 100 companies on their social media efforts.  Mic came on board in January of 2010 as the workload became too much for me to manage alone.  We continue to grow at a measured pace and appreciate the fact that we can decide which companies to work with because we have grown the company the right way… we are debt free, we have recurring revenue and we have fun every day working together and with companies all across Kansas City.

Some companies just aren’t ready from a cultural perspective to adopt social media effectively.  If we had to take every piece of business that came through our virtual front door to make a certain profit or for note repayment, we would not be a happy or healthy company.  We choose to work with award winning, visible and growing companies because what we do with them will strengthen those efforts.

There are so many people that have made the past two years a success.  Some are clients, some are business partners with complimentary offerings and of course our friends and family.  The list is too long so I won’t even try to create it.  If you are really interested, just check out our LinkedIn profiles.  I did however think about creating a Google Map using the Google Maps API and mapping every client in the Kansas City area.  I just didn’t have enough time to get that done tonight and write this blog post.  <grin>  And no, we don’t worry about posting our client list on the web and losing them to our competitors.  If we aren’t knocking it out of the park every time we work with a client, then we don’t deserve to keep them.  On our birthday, we celebrate you, our clients and friends… thank you so much and happy birthday to us!

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