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2,200 Rolls of Toilet Paper for Hope House! [PICS]

July 2, 2014 / in Community Service, General Information / by

Hello again!  It’s me, Jason, with this week’s blog post.

I wanted to write a follow up on the Toilet Paper Drive that we had for Hope House. Our goal was 1,000 rolls.  Honestly, I had no idea if we would hit that number or not. It just seemed like a good goal that would make a real difference.

I was so happy to see that people were moved by the blog post and stepped up to help.  It’s amazing what good can come from a single blog post!

We would like to thank the following people for donating a total of 2,200 rolls of toilet paper over the last six weeks!

(Listed in order of  number of rolls donated)
Dana Brown and Jim Stuelke
Jason and Trista Terry
Kandy Meehan
Doug Hubler
Scott and Kristen Smith
Cari Duffin
Mic and Missy Johnson
Keith Steiniger
Rob Frazier
Multiple people at our client SRA Insurance
Mike Kelly
Becky Schieber
Jacob Wayman
Scott Rowe
Esther Fairbanks

We tried to keep the list updated as the donations came in, but a lot of them were Amazon.com boxes with no identifying info. If I missed your name, please let me know and I will update the post!

MaryAnne Metheny, Hope House CEO, said “This is a new record” for toilet paper donations!

Also, BIG thanks to my good friend Earl Kawaoka, VP and General Manager at Fry-Wagner Moving and Storage for donating a truck to get the stacks of rolls from my garage to Hope House.

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I wish you could have been with Mic and I when we went to Hope House to drop off the stacks of toilet paper. It was amazing!  I knew we were making a real difference for Hope House and it felt great.  MaryAnne was so happy to see us.  We made quick work of getting the rolls into their building and into the back of the truck that was taking about half of the rolls to their other Hope House location.

Several great things came out of this effort:

  • Lots of people came together to make a difference.  Three contributors donated at least 250 rolls… awesome.
  • So many people stepped up that I had to find help to deliver all the boxes and bags of toilet paper. Earl was excited to help when I asked, and immediately said yes.  We couldn’t have done it so efficiently without his help.
  • More people know about Hope House and their mission.  If you haven’t already, please read my previous post about Hope House and why they are so worthy of our support.
  • One of our clients, Kansas City Internal Medicine, was inspired by this effort and decided to run their own program at all of their locations. They will be blogging about it soon and we’re excited to see how many rolls they will be able to provide to Hope House!

Final Thought

This shouldn’t be a one time thing.  The 2,200 rolls we were able to pull together will be enough for 2 months of normal use at the two Hope House locations.  They can always use more, so if you missed out on our TP Drive, please consider running one of your own.

The feeling you get by helping others is one of the best feelings in the world!

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