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Happy Bizirthday to Blue Gurus. We’re eight years old!

May 15, 2017 / in General Information / by

Author: Jason Terry

Jason HugOn April 26th, 2017 Blue Gurus celebrated eight years of doing business. It’s hard to believe we’ve been around that long!

Happy Bizirthday!

I was wishing my friends at Umbrella Managed Systems a Happy Business Birthday recently and came up with “Happy Bizirthday”. (It’s now trademarked.) As part of my business birthday wishes to Umbrella, I did some research on the odds of a small business keeping their doors open. Did you know that only 50% of small businesses survive to be 5 years old? And only one-third live to be 10 years old?

Mic celebrating 8 years (Photoshopped)I am so thankful that we continue to be able to make a living doing work that we love. And it’s all because of you. If you are reading this, you are part of our world. Whether you’re a client, family member, or old high school buddy, you are part of the support structure that makes this whole thing work.

Thank you for your trust and your friendship.

I was on vacation…

I was on vacation on April 26th, so Mic and I weren’t able to celebrate our milestone together. My parents took our family on a Disney cruise for their 50th anniversary. We had so much fun and it was a much needed time for me to rest and recharge. I didn’t feel too bad about missing the chance to celebrate with Mic… he was just getting back from a big trip with his wife to Hawaii!

Pirate NightHere’s a picture of Trista and I during “Pirate Night.” This is the night that everyone dresses up in pirate garb and the finale is a fireworks show off the side of the ship. Disney is the only cruise line that can shoot fireworks from their ship and it was really cool!

So thank you for these past eight years. It’s been an amazing ride. I’ve learned so much. Laughed so much. Stressed a bit. And was usually on time for meetings.

We will continue to do all we can to help the people around us… which I think is the primary reason we are still in business. Hugs.


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