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iPhone and iPad Update | Great iPad Cases

July 28, 2011 / in Business Recommendations, General Information, Information Technology / by

Release Dates for New Devices?
As many of you know, we use the iPhone and iPad on a regular basis.  It is an interesting time of year as people speculate when the next versions of the iPhone (iPhone 5 and iPad 3) will go on sale.  If you don’t already know about MacRumors.com, you need to check that site out for breaking news on all things Apple.  I have been paying attention to the rumors from various technology sites including MacRumors, and the general consensus is that the iPhone 5 will be available in the middle of September and the iPad 3 will be out later… possibly for Christmas or Q1 next year.  Bottom line, is if you are in the market for the iPhone, wait until September before locking in to that 2 year hardware contract with AT&T or Verizon.  I also thought it was interesting that a poll showed that 35% of people surveyed were planning to buy an iPhone 5 within 12 months of the release.

Great Cases for the iPad 2
I am always looking for a good case for the iPad 2.  I recently found a company called DodoCase that has an interesting twist on cases for the iPad.  They used to be a book binding company and they were on their way to going out of business because of all the new eReaders that were hitting the market like the Kindle and iPad.  They decided to go with the times and make book binding cases for eReaders!  The cases look a lot like a book when you close them and are very well made.  I just received mine and I love it!  I also loved the video on the home page of the DodoCase site that shows the decades old binding machines making these cases for the iPad.  Great story of a company that reinvented itself because the market changed.  (For other iPad case options, I also like the one that Mike Jones uses that is made by Knomo.  For a laundry list of other top rated cases, go here.)

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