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Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from Blue Gurus

December 19, 2018 / in General Information / by

Happy HolidaysWell, the holidays are here. I’ve been to a few parties, wrapped a few gifts and I’m looking forward to some downtime with friends and family between Christmas and New Years. It’s been a wonderful year! I wish I could name all the people that have had an impact on my life this year. The list is long. And I’m thankful for each and every one of you.

(Special thanks to Jeff Potts at 2020 Creative for the cool Blue Gurus Happy Holidays graphic!)

To finish up the year, I thought I would give you three topics… a business thought, a personal thought and a tech tip. All with a link where you can go to find out more. My goal with every blog post is to help you in some way, so trying to cover all the bases!

Business Thought – Desk Efficiency

I’ve talked to quite a few people lately about being more efficient with their technology. Often, the best answer to this involves good technology and knowing how to use it. Take stock of your desk in January… could you do things differently? Need a new monitor or multiple monitors? A desktop scanner? Label printer? Postal scale? A better mouse? A quieter keyboard? A desk that lifts so you can stand? Take the leap. You’ll be glad you did. Especially if it’s an item that saves you a few minutes a day.

Here are some of the items I keep on my desk:

Happy Holidays

Personal Thought – Floating KC

Do you get a massage on a regular basis? Have you ever tried meditation? I’ve done both… and they’re great… but I was surprised how relaxing sensory deprivation in a float tank can be. My friends Scott and Kristen encouraged me to try Floating KC with them and I’m really glad I did.

Yes, it sounds a little out there when you first hear the concept. You’re in a chamber full of warm, salty water (making sure you don’t touch bottom) and they slowly dim the lights and turn off the music. Your brain (well, at least my brain) frantically searches for external stimuli for a few minutes until it realizes that it’s dark, quiet and warm. And there’s nothing to see. And nothing to run from. At that point, your brain calms down. A lot.

I was more relaxed after my experience at Floating KC than any massage. Totally worth it. You can do 30, 60 or 90 minute sessions. I did the 60 minute session for my first time and it felt more like 30 minutes. Once you relax, you lose track of time. Completely. I highly recommend it.

Jason Terry - Ugly Sweater

Tech Tip – Roboform

A good friend recently asked me how I keep track of all my usernames and passwords. He was wanting to make sure that his wife would have a good starting point in the event something happened to him over the holidays… like shoveling a 3-car driveway full of wet snow. I told him first to buy a snowblower. And then to go buy a copy of Roboform.

I’ve talked about Roboform a few times in the past… if you thought it was a good idea then, it still is. Act on that instinct and try it out! They have individual plans as well as family plans where you can share passwords with other family members securely. If you would like me to cover how Roboform works in greater detail in a future blog post, let me know.

Looking forward to 2019. See you soon!

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