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Jason’s Recommendations for January 2017

January 11, 2017 / in General Information / by

Author: Jason Terry

Hello friends! One of the goals of our blogging is to give you things you can use… ideas, products, services… here are some recommendations to consider.

1. Simon Sinek on Millennials in the Workplace
Simon SinekMic sent me a video on YouTube of Simon Sinek talking about Millennials in the Workplace. Simon has an amazing way of telling stories in a funny way to help you understand how Millennials grew up from a social and technical perspective. It’s important to know this stuff as we hire and plan on hiring young professionals in this demographic. Watch it. It’s one of the best 15-minute videos I’ve seen in months.

Seriously, it was so good that I had to research other talks of Simon’s and found his TED Talk… it’s EVEN BETTER. He talks about how great leaders inspire action by creating a feeling of safety. If you are a leader in your company, you’ve got to watch it. You will thank me for it.

2. GetEmail.io
GetEmail.io I’ve been meaning to mention getemail.io for about a month now. Ken Bramble, a good friend and peer advisory group member, mentioned this web based tool to me in December. It’s a web based application that does one simple, but powerful thing in the right situation. You put in someone’s first name, last name and the web domain of the company they work at, and it tries to find the email address of that person. In my initial testing, it worked about 75% of the time, and if you are really trying to figure out an email address for someone during your prospecting, it’s a great tool to have in your tool-belt.

3. Bluetooth Headsets
Plantronics Explorer 50I’ve always joked about people walking around in public places with their Bluetooth headsets on. I don’t like it and my opinion is that it’s socially awkward. That said, Bluetooth headsets are amazing when you’re working from your home office. I bought my wife Trista (Curious Compass), Mic (Blue Gurus) and Missy (MJMeetings) Bluetooth headsets as gifts because they all work from home at times. They need to be hands free while typing, and they need noise canceling to mask the sound of the “clicks” when typing on their keyboard. They LOVE them! I recommend the Plantronics Explorer 50 ($20-$25 at Amazon.com)

4. Spotify
SpotfiyMy love of music will never die. I started singing when I was 5 (thanks to my parents.) I learned to play acoustic guitar at 16 (thanks to Mitch Flesher.) In the 80s I had boxes full of audio cassettes. In the 90s I had “media storage units” full of CDs. And today I have Spotify. I’m sure you’ve heard about Spotify, but if you’ve never tried it, you should. For $10 a month, I can play just about any song, any time, on a ridiculous amount of devices.

The reason I am including this on my list is because over the past 2 months Spotify is cropping up on even more devices. We have Google Fiber at home, and every Google TV box serves as a Chromecast device, meaning you can stream Spotify from your phone to it. I bought a new stereo receiver, and out of the box it comes with Spotify integration. And Sonos recently enabled direct control of their wireless speakers from the Spotify app. If you love music, you will love Spotify.

  1. The bluetooth headset made a HUGE difference – really minimizes background noice (even at 70 mph). And GetEmail.io? That’s gonna make marketing to Biz Journal Lists much easier.
    Nice job – thanks!

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