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Happy Turkey Day… And Why 501(c)(3) Not-For-Profits Need to Know About Tech Soup!

November 26, 2013 / in General Information, Information Technology / by

Post written by Jason Terry, Entrepreneur | Social Coach | Web Developer | Scuba Instructor | Guitar Player | Cruise Traveler | Lego Collector

Happy Thanksgiving from Blue Gurus!

Happy Thanksgiving!Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!  We appreciate you so much, regardless of how we are connected.  Friends, family, clients, peers, referral partners, vendors and more… lots ‘o love.

It has been a great year and it wouldn’t have been possible without all of the people that believe in us and cheer for us.

Traveling for Thanksgiving?

If you are traveling this week, be sure to have back up plans in case of airport closures on the east coast and other delays based on weather.  (More info on that here.)

Tech Soup for Not-For-Profit Organizations (NFPs)

Tech Soup LogoIn the spirit of giving, I wanted to share a conversation I recently had with Theresa at Marian Hope, one of our web and social clients.  They are a 501(c)(3) not for profit and were asking me which Adobe software they should purchase for working with images.

I started talking about how much the Adobe Suites cost (hundreds of dollars before Adobe came out with Creative Cloud licensing) and then remembered that they were probably a not-for-profit that would qualify for Tech Soup!

Tech Soup is an organization that was created to provide other not-for-profits with software and a significantly reduced price. 

There is a qualification process to go through… but once approved, NFPs can get software from Adobe, Cisco, Citrix, Intuit, Microsoft, Sage, SAP, Shopify, Symantec and more for a very small fee.  Basically, these manufacturers provide the software to Tech Soup for NFPs and then Tech Soup charges a small administrative fee for making sure they are eligible and getting them the software they need.

Not all software from all of these vendors is available, but the most popular programs usually are.  This includes Microsoft Office, Adobe Creative Suites, Symantec Antivirus, Intuit Quickbooks and more.

One order per year… plan accordingly.

An organization can place an order once per year for most of the software in the program, so if you are a NFP wanting to participate in this program, be sure to browse the catalog and apply for all the software you may need in a single request.


Thanks again for reading our blog and we really do hope that this Thanksgiving is an opportunity for you to relax and spend time with those you care about the most!

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