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The new BlueGurus.com website is live!

March 29, 2019 / in General Information, WordPress / by

It’s been a minute since I’ve done a blog post. Why? Because I’ve been working on a new website for Blue Gurus! The last time we updated the look and feel of the site was about 4 years ago. So it’s been due for a facelift for a few months now.

I enlisted the help of my friend Jeff Potts with 20/20 Creative to do some graphical design and some cool technical work on the back end. And I’m really happy with the result… I would appreciate your feedback though. If you happen to look through the new site, let me know if you catch anything I might have missed. :)

BlueGurus.com has always been more about a home for our storytelling than for other static page content. Sure, I talk about our three primary services: Blogging, LinkedIn Training and Website Development. But it only takes three pages to accomplish that. The focus on this facelift was an updated home page, a new portfolio and new testimonials.

New Portfolio

One of the goals for the new website was an updated Project Portfolio. For now, this is all about our website projects. It’s challenging to showcase blogging and LinkedIn training projects… still noodling how to do that.

I have nine recent website projects listed, and THIRTY more in draft mode waiting for me to take screenshots and write up the story of how the project happened. See the new portfolio here.

New Testimonials

New Blue Gurus Website

You might remember I did a blog post recently about asking your clients and peers for Google Reviews. I decided to use those Google Reviews as the basis for my rotating testimonials. They show up at the bottom of the home page, and there’s a page that lists all of them here.

I was able to grab the picture of the person giving me a review from their LinkedIn profile. And since I was on their profile, it was easy to grab their official title as well.

So far I’ve brought over 22 of the 35 Google Reviews I got when I put out the call for honest feedback. (And yes, the result was humbling. Thanks to each of you that was willing to say we know what we are doing and that we’re fun to work with.)

I hope you like the new website! I will be back next week with our regular programming of stories that educate you, make you think, and hopefully make you laugh as well.

– Jason

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