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Fixing LinkedIn URL Cache for Status Updates (LinkedIn Post Inspector Tool)

May 2, 2024 / in How To, Information Technology / by

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Hello friends! This week I am sharing a TRUE technical tip with you. It relates to posting status updates on LinkedIn. If you’ve ever done this and realized the preview image was wrong, your next step was to have your team update that picture on your website. And then you go to LinkedIn again to try and redo your status update with a link back to that page or post. The problem is that LinkedIn now has a cached version of your URL and still shows the old content!

Fixing Cached URL Content on LinkedIn

To fix this problem, you need to know about the LinkedIn Post Inspector Tool.

When you go to the page above, the LinkedIn Post Inspector Tool allows you to put a URL into the form and click INSPECT. No matter what is in the LinkedIn cache, it immediately goes to that website and grabs new content. And then LinkedIn updates its internal cache with this new content.

So if you have ever started a status update and realized the content pulled into LinkedIn was wrong, and then fixed it on your website, but still couldn’t get your status update to show the updated content… all you needed was the LinkedIn Post Inspector tool!

I know this one was more technical than my normal Tech Tips… but it is one of those AHA! moments that is going to change my workflow and I had to share. I hope you are having a great week!

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