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Top 5 Best Practices for sending calendar invitations.

September 12, 2022 / in How To / by

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This week’s tech tip is all about sending professional calendar invitations and avoiding confusion. Seriously… watch this one. So many people make mistakes when sending invites… you might not have even thought about some of these and why you might want to make some changes!

1) Subject

The subject of the meeting should have “Sarah and Jason” or “Acme Tools and Blue Gurus” and then a brief description of what the meeting is about. A good example would be: “Sarah and Jason – LinkedIn Training Conversation”

2) Location

If you are getting together in person, always put the street address in the Location field. This really helps someone that is scrambling, going from meeting to meeting and trying to figure out where they need to be next. They can simply click the location on their phone and get directions to meet you.

3) Phone Numbers

Often, you are meeting someone for the first time and don’t have their contact information in your phone yet. And if you are delayed, it might be hard (or impossible) to text them to let them know you are running late. Always put YOUR cell phone and THEIR cell phone in the meeting details. That way, you can both reach out if there are delays or problems.

4) Meeting Reminders

Make sure the meeting reminder gives them enough time to get to your meeting location. Generally, 30 minutes is a good amount of time, at least for Kansas City. The default for Outlook and Google Calendars is often 15 minutes… so I set my default reminder time to be 30 minutes out for all meeting invites.

5) Agenda

Include a simple agenda in the meeting description. You’ve had some kind of initial conversation to the point that they are willing to meet with you. Put some of the things you talked about into the meeting invite as a mini-agenda.

I hope you liked this tech tip! Please forward this on to someone that you think would learn something by watching this week! And if you haven’t subscribed to my YouTube channel, please click here to do that. Thanks! Talk to you next week!

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