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The Ups, The Downs and The End… of 2020

December 21, 2020 / in Personal, Video / by

Hello friends! This week, I wanted to take a break from my content rotation and offer a simple message of love and hope. It’s been a crazy year. We’re all hopeful that 2021 will be a fresh start in so many areas of our lives.

The Ups

There is a stigma attached to celebrating wins this year in the midst of so much hardship and misery. But it’s important to look back and remember what you’ve accomplished IN SPITE OF so many hurdles.

  • Some of the companies I work with have had record breaking years. I am so happy for those successes and it’s unfortunate that they’re “keeping a lid on it”. I get it… it just sucks that it’s hard to celebrate those wins together.
  • I’ve spent a lot of energy this year getting a handle on video, lighting, sound, editing and photography. I passed my photography class, earned certifications for software, and started doing billable work for multiple clients with these new skills. The YouTube video that goes with this story is my 10th week in a row. That was a commitment I made to my peers back in October. I’m kind of shocked that I got it done, and I’ve really been enjoying making YouTube videos.
  • I’ve lost 40 pounds. The key has been accountability from two of my favorite people and finding the discipline I used to have when I was younger. I feel like a new person and I am getting twice as much accomplished in a typical day.
  • My wife and I are still married. We actually thrived in this crazy environment of being at home together all the time. We cooked a lot of meals together. We watched a lot of TV shows together. We took a 10-hour road trip (Colorado) for the first time in our lives and did pretty well. I’m honestly going to miss her when things go back to normal and life starts pulling us in different directions.

The Downs

It’s okay to grieve for the things that have happened (or continue to happen) in your life. Try not to get stuck in that place, but feeling those emotions is an important part of the process.

  • I know dozens of people who have had COVID, and thankfully none of them have needed hospital care. That said, I know there are plenty of cases here in Kansas City requiring emergency treatment.
  • Two people that I care about are going through a divorce this year. I can only imagine the statistics for divorce and domestic abuse in 2020.
  • I know someone who has a son going through chemo and radiation treatments for a rare form of cancer. His progress is good, but what a way to celebrate the holidays.
  • There is a new strain of the COVID virus in Europe and other countries are shutting down their borders. Here we go again. I know people who are directly impacted by all the travel restrictions and impacts for in person meetings. There are no guarantees that 2021 is going to be much better.

The End… of 2020

Thank you. I mean it. So many of you have been engaged with my stories this year. I’ve felt you cheering me on. And I’ve appreciated the constructive feedback and kudos. Please stick with me!

I will remember 2020 with a mixture of feelings, but we’ve gotten through it together. I’m really looking forward to moving in the right direction together in 2021.

Happy Holidays, Happy New Year, and High Fives!

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