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Become a Social Media Rockstar in 30 minutes per week

August 4, 2009 / in Social Media / by

Daily activity (total of 10-30 minutes per week) 

–       CONNECT : Create a weekly recurring 15 minute block on your calendar that you can commit to for LinkedIn activities.  No excuses.  In that 15 minutes, do the following:

  • Pay attention to “People you may know” in the upper right hand corner of your LinkedIn Home page.  If you “trust, like and respect” them, invite them to join your LinkedIn network.
  • When someone accepts your LinkedIn invitation, or you accept an invitation from someone, you will be able to see who their contacts are. 
    • Go and see who they have in their network. 
    • Invite the people that you know in their network to Link In with you.
    • Pay attention to who you know in common.  It will strengthen the relationships you have with your connections.
  • Look through the Network Updates section of your Home page.  Pay attention to how people are connecting to each other and what their status updates say.  You will find actionable information if you just watch for it.

–       ANNOUNCE : Make ping.fm your home page in your web browser.  When you get in to the office each morning, open your web browser and take 2 minutes to update what you worked on yesterday or plan on working on today.  Make it relevant content that might spark the interest of your peers/clients/vendors.  Do not talk about where you had lunch.  Nobody cares.  Do not actively “sell” to your social network.  Content should be freely given, interesting and relevant so that someone will be compelled to reach out to you to comment on what you were doing or planning to do.  You only have 140 characters, so be brief and to the point.

 Weekly (optional)

 –       EDUCATE : Create a weekly recurring 30 minute block for updating your Blog with a new article or post.  This helps establish your company as a subject matter expert in your field.  It also has the added benefit of keeping you “top of mind” when your readers see new content.  This could be 5 top tips related to a certain subject, a reference to a web site with additional information on something you have had great success with, etc.  The goal here is to give away free, useful information so that people will pay attention.  Often, this can be delegated to someone on your team.  It will take 30-60 minutes to put together a relevant update and publish it.  We highly recommend WordPress for blogging.

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