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A Referral, 3 Guys, and a Website Built in 2 Days

March 21, 2017 / in WordPress / by

Post written by Mic Johnson, Blog Coach | LinkedIn Trainer | Website Builder | Rational Optimist | @MJMeetings Cheerleader | #micnuggets | Jayhawk

Rob Shear
Rob Shear, CEO, PACE Sage Capital, LLC

I recently received a referral for a WordPress website from Joe Tierney, Cloud Computing Director for our friends at Umzuzu. He’d told Rob Shear of PACE Sage Capital, LLC to get in touch with me.

Rob sent me an email telling me he was in “urgent” need of a new website. We got on the phone and I talked to him about our approach to web development…using WordPress and building the websites ON-SITE with our clients.

Rob said everything sounded great, asked me to send him a proposal, and let me know that he was ready to get going. He wanted to look at scheduling dates on the calendar and that’s when he told me “I need to get it done in the next 7-10 days!”

Say what? I guess we both had different expectations of what he actually meant when he said “urgent”.

That’s when I told Rob that I didn’t think there was any way for us to book a couple of web development days and get it done for him in such a short time frame. In fact, I told him he’d have a hard time finding anyone who could do a quality website that quickly.

Rob said that there were a couple of big events coming up and he needed the website up before he attended those events. I told him that I would talk to Jason and see what he thought, but told him that this probably wasn’t going to happen.

I had a good feeling about Rob (I learned he was born in Toronto, loves the Toronto Maple Leafs, and once spent the day with NFL Hall of Famer Roger Staubach) and I connected with Rob as a person during our phone conversations (and told him I love Canadians) and I really wanted to help him.

Mic and Rob
Mic and Rob, posing with PACE Sage pillows and the new website in the background! (Jason played the role of photographer)

So Jason and I got on the phone, looked at our calendars, and determined we could do a full web development day on Monday and move a couple of things on our calendars and do a second web development effort on Tuesday afternoon.

Yes, folks. You read that correctly. That’s 2 days. A new website in just 2 days. 

I called Rob back and told him what we came up with and that it would be critical for him to come ready with his content (images, text, etc.).

My exact words (which I’ve said a million times over the years) were, “We know what we’re doing on our end. You have to come ready with your content. If you do, our process works like a machine.” Rob understood, agreed, signed the proposal (before ever meeting me) and we were on our way.

We met in his office on Monday, sat down like we always do, Jason downloading the WordPress theme (we’re huge fans of the ENFOLD theme), installing his favorite plugins and widgets, and me building the pages of the site, loading them up with text and images that Rob provided.

PaceSageCapital website
Click the image to see the new PACE Sage Capital website!

Along the way, we had some great conversation and Rob started to see that what I’d told him on the phone about the process working like a machine…which was exactly what was happening right before his eyes.

At the end of Day 1, I asked him “Rob, so what do you think? It works exactly like I told you it would, doesn’t it?” To which Rob replied, “You’ve exceeded my expectations.”

Those are the words we live to hear at Blue Gurus and it’s happened a lot over the last 8 years of helping companies in Kansas City with websites, LinkedIn Training and Blogging.

I’m not saying that to brag about it. I’m saying that because I’m extremely proud of it and we’ve worked very hard to build and nurture that reputation in Kansas City.

I told Rob that it’s very difficult for people, during the sales process, to understand how on-site web development works until they’ve actually experienced it with us. We’ve had more than one person tell us that they didn’t really believe it could be done. But we’ve done it countless times over the years and it’s the most efficient (and fun) way to do website development.

I asked Rob if he could share a few words about the experience. Here’s what he had to say:

Guys, you have blown me away with how cool this process was, and how much time and effort we saved by doing it this way. The product outcome exceeded my expectations, and I would highly recommend this approach to anyone in Kansas City thinking about a new website. My network was amazed by the site you created in such a short period of time. This has laid a solid foundation for us to professionally market our brand in a relatively new home base for our business.

If your company or someone you know needs a new website, email or call me at mic@bluegurus.com or 913-645-6650. I’d be happy to see if we can exceed their expectations. 

  1. Great job, Mic and Jason. As you know, I’m already a big fan of your work but hearing how responsive you were to this seemingly impossible task–and the fact that you actually pulled it off in TWO DAYS–makes me an even bigger fan! Congrats on a job well done!

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