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Blue Gurus - Jason Terry

Jason Terry

I created Blue Gurus to help businesses grow by being social. I help companies and organizations do that by storytelling on their blog, building websites they can actually use and training their teams to use LinkedIn effectively.

I have a strong background in information technology, operations, and sales. My work experiences have given me perspective on how different areas of a company can work together to grow the bottom line. And I’ve learned the importance of company culture and being transparent and authentic.

I enjoy speaking into the process with my clients, and helping set direction for many of the typical challenges a business owner faces.

I decided early on in life that I’m here to serve. I love helping people in their personal and professional lives, and working closely with business owners gives me the opportunity to do both. I love what I get to do for a living and I hope it shows!

The goal is to get things done efficiently and to have fun during the process. It must be contagious, because I get feedback from clients on a regular basis that I’ve helped them find a renewed excitement for their business. And they appreciate having me as their accountability partner.

Jason’s LinkedIn Profile.

Why Blue Gurus?


I’ve taken clients from ZERO social media presence to an established one that directly impacts the bottom line. I help them embrace social media and content marketing as an exciting cultural change in their business. For example, I’ve used social media to double the revenue of an established company in just 18 months. No more cold calling!


I’m personally connected to more than 2,000 business owners, decision makers, and professionals in Kansas City. Connecting people is built into the fabric of who I am. Lot’s of people say they do it… I do it.

I have a trusted network of business partners for nearly every aspect of your business and I proactively leverage them to solve problems, improve efficiency and reduce costs for my clients. And yes, that sometimes even includes stretch referrals to a soccer goalie coach for your third grader.

I care deeply about our relationships and naturally blend the traditional lines between business and personal. When we start working together, you become a part of my extended family. That trust allows us to accomplish great things together.

I have a deep sense of passion for helping people that drives me each and every day. My clients consistently tell me that they feed off of my passion and enthusiasm. The more we work together, the more positive impact I will have on your people and your company culture. It’s one of my favorite parts of the job.

Recent Article

The Blue Gurus are hands down the easiest and most fun way to set up and manage a website.

They took us step-by-step through the process of overhauling our organization's website and have been helping us keep it fresh and up to date for over 5 years. They make hard things seem easy; they are friendly, funny, and a true joy to work with.

Donna Rimbo

Donna Rimbo

Director of Marketing & Communications at Christ Church Anglican

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